Nails 63 Beauty ¤,
papiernictvo ¤,
žiaden ¤,
sweet land ¤,
La Lagartija ¤,
Bioculture ¤,
Kerala ¤,
Tiffany ¤,
Tričkáreň ¤,
Naturia ¤,
Terno ¤,
Beauty & Best ¤,
Vacula Salón ¤,
Wedding Avenue ¤,
The Blend ¤,
Pánska móda XXXL ¤,
Antikvariát ¤,
Móda pre moletky ¤,
Mirelu ¤,
Chameleon ¤,
kaderníctvo ¤,
Farby-Laky ¤,
Štúdio J ¤,
Dráčik ¤,
kaderníctvo ¤,
Humanic ¤,
Tirolská izba ¤,
kebab ¤,
Persian Restaurant Bratislava ¤,
Slovensko v srdci ¤,
Restaurant 27 ¤,
Lorée ¤,
Land Sweet cukráreň ¤,
rýchle občerstvenie ¤,
Sakura Tea Bar ¤,
La Putika ¤,
Panda ¤,
Hostinec U Justína ¤,
Chameleon ¤,
Kalbi ¤,
Idyla ¤,
Jacob Café ¤,
Wagner ¤,
Vino ¤,
Black Coffee ¤,
Cafepoint ¤,
al Trivio ¤,
Bageterie Boulevard ¤,
rýchle občerstvenie ¤,
rýchle občerstvenie ¤,
Café Dias ¤,
Coffeeshop Company ¤,
McDonald's ¤
detské ihrisko ¤,
Fitworld ¤,
detské ihrisko ¤,
tenis ¤,
multi ¤,
detské ihrisko ¤,
SAHRA - Dance & Relax Studio ¤,
futbal ¤,
detské ihrisko ¤,
atletika ¤,
futbal ¤,
detské ihrisko ¤,
boules ¤,
futbal ¤,
Detské ihrisko, Kvetná ulica ¤,
ihrisko ¤,
futbal ¤,
Golem club ¤,
detské ihrisko ¤
remeslo ¤,
kôš ¤,
Almáši Gabriel s.r.o. ¤,
kôš ¤,
Móda Fix ¤,
Lynx ¤,
Zväz slovenských vedeckotechnických spoločností ¤,
Office Center Bratislava ¤,
DOMUS Bratislava ¤,
JUDr. Dagmar Kováčová ¤,
Úrad pre dohľad nad zdravotnou starostlivosťou ¤,
istota bývania ¤,
Slovenský ochranný zväz autorský ¤,
TU reality ¤,
E – S attorneys-at-law ¤,
E-S Partners ¤,
Generali ¤,
Bestreal-Slovakia ¤,
kôš ¤,
Všeobecná úverová banka ¤,
číslo S6AV102O ¤,
ZSE Centrum ¤,
číslo S6AV062O ¤
parkovisko ¤,
parkovisko ¤,
parkovisko ¤,
parkovisko ¤,
parkovisko ¤,
parkovisko ¤,
parkovisko ¤,
parkovisko ¤,
parkovisko ¤,
parkovisko ¤,
parkovisko ¤,
parkovisko ¤,
parkovisko ¤,
parkovisko ¤,
parkovisko ¤,
parkovisko ¤,
parkovisko ¤,
parkovisko ¤,
parkovisko ¤,
parkovisko ¤,
parkovisko ¤,
nabíjacia stanica ¤,
nabíjacia stanica ¤,
parkovisko ¤
U sv. Damiána ¤,
MUDr. Gabriela Metkeová ¤,
MUDr. Eva Gerincová ¤,
A-Medical ¤,
AGEL Clinic ¤,
Špecializovaná nemocnica pre ortopedickú protetiku Bratislava, n. o. ¤,
Dialóg spol. s r.o. ¤,
Gynaex ¤,
SoforaDent ¤,
Karla Chrzanowski ¤,
Dr. Max ¤
U sv. Damiána ¤,
Záhradnícka / Svätoplukova ¤,
Terno ¤,
automat na lístky ¤,
číslo 733 ¤,
Všeobecná úverová banka ¤,
číslo S6AV102O ¤,
číslo S6AV062O ¤,
Bratislava 218 ¤,
Teta ¤,
číslo S6AN015N ¤,
Saleziáni ¤,
číslo S6AP010M ¤,
banka ¤,
banka ¤,
číslo TATN026C ¤,
číslo TBIN026A ¤,
číslo TATN026B ¤,
číslo S2CS502R ¤,
číslo 0011 ¤,
Malina ¤,
Dr. Max ¤,
číslo S2CS503V ¤,
dm ¤,
Orange ¤,
Billa ¤
Pánska móda XXXL ¤,
Antikvariát ¤,
Móda pre moletky ¤,
Jelačičova ¤,
Kalbi ¤,
Farby-Laky ¤,
Jelačičova ¤,
bankomat ¤,
banka ¤,
Pískacie ¤,
banka ¤,
Deichmann ¤,
číslo 0011 ¤,
Central ¤
Kvačalova ¤,
Kvačalova ¤,
Saleziáni ¤,
Jelačičova ¤,
Saleziáni ¤,
Jelačičova ¤,
Saleziáni ¤,
Saleziáni ¤,
Saleziáni ¤,
Saleziáni ¤,
Kulíškova ¤,
Krížna ¤,
Trnavské mýto ¤,
Kulíškova ¤,
Krížna ¤,
Trnavské mýto ¤,
Trnavské mýto ¤,
Trnavské mýto ¤,
Trnavské mýto ¤,
Trnavské mýto ¤
MHD v okolí
Trolejbus 49: Mliekarenská = > Nár. onkol. ústav ¤,
Trolejbus 64: Valašská = > Jelačičova ¤,
Trolejbus 47: TIPOS Aréna = > Červený most ¤,
Bus N70: Stn. P. Biskupice = > Hlavná stanica ¤,
Bus 68: Trnavské mýto = > Holíčska ¤,
Bus 68: Holíčska = > Trnavské mýto ¤,
Trolejbus 47: Červený most = > TIPOS Aréna ¤,
Trolejbus 60: Rajská = > Rádiová ¤,
Trolejbus 60: Rádiová = > Rajská ¤,
Trolejbus 71: Hlavná stanica = > Stn. Vrakuňa ¤,
Bus N70: Hlavná stanica = > Stn. P. Biskupice ¤
ACMI’s Growing Role: AirExplore Doubles Fleet in 2024 to Support Airlines
The aviation industry is now experiencing rising air travel demand, according to a recent report by the International Air Transport Association (IATA), 2024 saw a record rise. Full-year traffic grew by 10.4% compared to 2023, total capacity went up by 8.7%, and the load factor reached a new high of 83.5%. Airlines want to fulfill […] The post ACMI’s Growing Role: AirExplore Doubles Fleet in
The role ACMI plays in making air travel more sustainable
As the aviation industry addresses its responsibility for 2.5% of global carbon emissions, airlines are looking for ways of making operations more sustainable. Aircraft, Crew, Maintenance, and Insurance (ACMI) leasing is emerging as a key strategy, enabling airlines to scale operations while minimizing the long-term financial and environmental burdens that come with operating a large […] The
A look inside the approval of AirExplore’s US Foreign Air Carrier permit
AirExplore, Slovakia’s premier airline and a member of Avia Solutions Group — the world’s leading ACMI service provider — recently announced that it had earned approval from the United States Department of Transportation (DOT) to begin operations in U.S. airspace under a conditional Foreign Air Carrier Permit (FACP). This permit marks a major milestone for […] The post A look inside th
Flying in Africa: How AirExplore Experiences the Difference the Continent Provides
Commercial airline operations in Africa are on the verge of significant growth and development. Aircraft manufacturers like Boeing have forecasted that African air traffic will grow by 7.4% annually, outpacing the global average growth rate of 6.1%. While the region’s aviation sector is expanding, the market has unique features and nuances that distinguish flying and […] The post Flyin
Building a Fleet Capable of Global Expansion
With almost 12,000 having been built since the start of production in the late 1960s, the Boeing 737’s popularity and capability have made the acquisition of each one a milestone for any airline. The ability to fly 189 passengers at speeds as high as 827 km/h for a range of 5,185 km makes these narrowbody […] The post Building a Fleet Capable of Global Expansion appeared first on AirExplore.
AirExplore Earns Renewal of IOSA Safety Certification
AirExplore, Slovakia’s premier airline, and member of Avia Solutions Group, the world’s leading ACMI service provider, has earned a renewal of its IATA Operational Safety Audit (IOSA) certification. This renewal further solidifies the airline’s reputation for upholding world-class safety standards, adding to its nine years of certification. The IOSA certification is a coveted saf
AirExplore earns approval for operations in the United States
AirExplore has received approval from the US Department of Transportation (US DOT) to begin commercial operations in United States airspace under conditional Foreign Air Carrier Permit (FACP) provisions. This approval allows AirExplore to engage in scheduled and charter air transportation of passengers, cargo, and mail to, from, and within US territory, using wet-leased aircraft operated […]
AirExplore to Lease Aircraft to Air Peace this upcoming Winter Season
AirExplore is pleased to announce that it has signed a contract with Nigeria-based Air Peace to lease four aircraft from November 2024 through March 2025. The four 737-800 aircraft will operate under damp-lease agreement to bolster Air Peace’s capacity. AirExplore provides the aircraft, pilots, maintenance, and insurance, with Air Peace providing the remaining cabin crew […] The post AirExpl
The global potential of Eastern Europe as a source market for tourism
According to the European Travel Commission, 2024 is set to become the year when international travel in Europe exceeds pre-pandemic levels – already in Q1, international tourist arrivals and overnight stays increased by 6-8% compared to 2019. In this article, however, we’ll be focusing not so much on the rebound of the European travel sector […] The post The global potential of Eastern Euro
Ulice v okolí
Jelačičova ¤,
Bazová ¤,
Žellova ¤,
Miletičova ¤,
Záhradnícka ¤,
Rastislavova ¤,
Cyrilova ¤,
Svätoplukova ¤,
Kupeckého ¤,
Šumavská ¤,
Dohnányho ¤,
Kvetná ¤,
Koceľova ¤,
Kvačalova ¤
Viac o bode
Viac info:
aktualizovať mapu,
uprav v JOSM (pokročilé),
stiahni GPX, ele2: 138.29543, súkromná firma, website:, addr:city: Bratislava, addr:street: Kupeckého, addr:country: SK, addr:postcode: 821 08, 3, 3, lon: 17.1304982, lat: 48.154699, og type: place, og locality: Starý Ružinov,
Zdroj dát
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