Viac o bode
Viac info:
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uprav v JOSM (pokročilé),
stiahni GPX, ele2: 138.70207, level: 2, kaviareň, website:, takeaway: yes, addr:city: Bratislava, addr:street: Metodova, description: Black Coffee on a green roof of shopping center on Central in Bratislava. Seasonal container cafe and cake, vine and beer... open from April to October., payment:cash: yes, payment:visa: yes, addr:postcode: 821 08, opening hours: Mo Su 09:00 21:00, payment:cards: yes, payment:coins: yes, internet access: wlan, outdoor seating: yes, payment:maestro: yes, 6, yes, yes, no, yes, yes, yes, yes, lon: 17.1297475, lat: 48.1570298, og type:, og locality: Starý Ružinov,