Cesta: OMA » Ekofarma Ostrov Kemping
Ekofarma Ostrov Kemping
Ekofarma Ostrov Kemping: kemping, poplatok yes, webstránka, telefón +421948104665email: info@ekofarma.sk, názvy: The campsite offers accomodation in tents (we don´t provide tents), with the option to use the common kitchen and sanitary facilities (toilets and showers with hot and cold water). It is allowed to bring your dog in the campsite.
ohnisko ¤, prístrešok, altánok ¤, Mapa Veľkolélskeho ostrova ¤, Vítame vás v srdci Dunajskej prírody ¤, turistické informácie ¤, Vitajte na Veľkolélskom ostrove! ¤Turistika v okolí
Via Slovakia (Bratislava - Komárno) ¤, ST204 - Ňárad to Zlatná na Ostrove ¤, Okruh stepného dobytka ¤, Okruh bobra ¤, Trasa korýtka riečneho ¤V kategóriách
kemping v Nitriansky kraj 21x, kemping v Podunajská rovina 41x, kemping v Západné Slovensko 65xViac o bode
Viac info: aktualizovať mapu, uprav v JOSM (pokročilé), 707444176, stiahni GPX, dog: yes, ele2: 108.19971, email: info@ekofarma.sk, phone: +421948104665, tents: yes, access: customers, kemping, website: https://www.ekofarma.sk/, caravans: no, addr:city: Zlatná na Ostrove, addr:street: Veľký Lél, description: The campsite offers accomodation in tents (we don´t provide tents), with the option to use the common kitchen and sanitary facilities (toilets and showers with hot and cold water). It is allowed to bring your dog in the campsite., payment:cash: yes, addr:postcode: 946 12, drinking water: yes, internet access: yes, 819, yes, lon: 17.94625573488696, lat: 47.75626056002646, og type: place, og locality: Zlatná na Ostrove,Podpor projekt OMA:
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