Rybárna Šopík ¤,
Cane Gatto ¤,
Dortisimo.cz ¤,
Zahradnictví u Mašků ¤,
Holička ¤,
kadeřnictví ¤,
Spirit ¤,
Vinotéka u Romana ¤,
Studio DIVA ¤,
Svět bez lepku ¤,
oblečenie ¤,
Studio NEA ¤,
Vlněné sestry ¤,
Tantra & relax ¤,
Chovatelské potřeby ¤,
Svět tonerů ¤
verejný gril ¤,
pitná voda ¤,
Ventana Café ¤,
Víno Hruška ¤,
Studentský klub U Kachničky ¤,
Menza Starý pivovar ¤,
verejný gril ¤,
verejný gril ¤,
Nett’s barbecue ¤,
Oldies music club Fičák ¤,
Café Rudolf ¤,
Club Mojmírák ¤,
Kavárna U Žambocha ¤,
PadThai ¤,
Svět bez lepku ¤,
Aurum caffe restaurant ¤,
Ortica pizza ¤,
Sport Bar ¤
kôš ¤,
kôš ¤,
toaleta ¤,
kôš ¤,
kôš ¤,
kôš ¤,
kôš ¤,
kôš ¤,
kôš ¤,
kôš ¤,
toaleta ¤,
kôš ¤,
Římskokatolická farnost u kostela Nejsvětější Trojice Brno - Královo Pole ¤,
kôš ¤,
Komerční banka ¤,
kôš ¤,
Brno 12 ¤,
Česká pojišťovna ¤,
kôš ¤,
kôš ¤,
kôš ¤,
Komerční banka ¤,
Artin ¤,
kôš ¤,
kôš ¤,
kôš ¤,
Klíče - zámky - trezory ¤,
Česká pojišťovna ¤,
Kávovary Burian ¤,
Seznamovací agentura ¤
parkovisko ¤,
parkovisko ¤,
parkovisko ¤,
parkovisko ¤,
Miroslav Šimek ¤,
parkovisko ¤,
parkovisko ¤,
Autoservis Lubomír Novotný ¤,
parkovisko ¤,
parkovisko ¤,
parkovisko ¤
H (márnice) ¤,
Nejsvětější Trojice ¤,
Ventana Café ¤,
Pomník padlým příslušníkům Rudé armády ¤,
Římskokatolická farnost u kostela Nejsvětější Trojice Brno - Královo Pole ¤,
Fakulta informačních technologií VUT ¤,
Brno 12 ¤,
Víno Hruška ¤,
Studentský klub U Kachničky ¤,
Menza Starý pivovar ¤,
Rybárna Šopík ¤,
číslo 30556 ¤,
Dortisimo.cz ¤,
Miroslav Šimek ¤,
Holička ¤,
kadeřnictví ¤,
Oldies music club Fičák ¤,
Café Rudolf ¤,
Studio DIVA ¤,
Club Mojmírák ¤,
Kavárna U Žambocha ¤,
PadThai ¤,
Královo Pole, nádraží ¤,
Svět bez lepku ¤,
Kávovary Burian ¤,
Ortica pizza ¤,
Chovatelské potřeby ¤,
Svět tonerů ¤,
Sport Bar ¤
Zastávky v okolí
Mojmírovo náměstí ¤,
Mojmírovo náměstí ¤,
Královo Pole, nádraží ¤,
Semilasso ¤,
Semilasso ¤,
Semilasso ¤,
Královo Pole, nádraží ¤,
Královo Pole, nádraží ¤,
Semilasso ¤,
Semilasso ¤,
Královo pole, nádraží ¤,
Královo Pole, nádraží ¤,
Husitská ¤,
Husitská ¤,
Husitská ¤,
Královo pole, nádraží ¤,
Královo Pole, nádraží ¤,
Kociánka ¤,
Kociánka ¤,
Královo pole, nádraží ¤
MHD v okolí
44: ÚAN Zvonařka ⇒ Stará Osada ⇒ Královo Pole, nádraží ⇒ Komín ⇒ Mendlovo náměstí ⇒ ÚAN Zvonařka ¤,
30: Černého ⇒ Klarisky ¤,
Bus 304: Kuřim ⇒ Brno ¤,
N90: Kohoutovice, hájenka ⇒ Ořešín ¤,
Bus 304: Brno ⇒ Kuřim ¤,
R9 Praha - Havlíčkův Brod - Brno ¤,
E56: Královo Pole, nádraží ⇒ Nemocnice Bohunice ¤,
Tram 6: Starý Lískovec, smyčka ⇒ Královo Pole, nádraží ¤,
E56: Nemocnice Bohunice ⇒ Královo Pole, nádraží ¤,
N91: Labská ⇒ Ivanovice, Globus ¤,
N91: Lelekovice, u kříže ⇒ Labská ¤
Fakulta informačních technologií (FIT) je jedna z osmi fakult Vysokého učení technického v Brně. Vznikla rozdělením Fakulty elektrotechniky a informatiky (FEI) na FIT a Fakultu elektrotechniky a komunikačních technologií (FEKT) k 1. lednu 2002. Jejím děkanem je od roku 2024 Petr Hanáček. Historie Již v roce 1964 vznikla na Fakultě elektrotechnické Katedra samočinných počítačů. Z ní postupem času vznikl Ústav informatiky a výpočetní techniky, který byl v roce 2002 transformován na samostatnou
www.fit.vutbr.cz: Faculty of Information Technology The Faculty of Information Technology is a modern, internationally recognized university workplace and center of excellence in a wide range of information technologies - from hardware through intelligent systems to multimedia. In a modern campus with unique equipment, it offers students a highly valued IT education in all stages of study: a three-year bachelor, a two-year follow-up master, and a f
17.1-16.2.2025 English language course (from FEEC) registration and subsequent summer semester course re-registration: The condition for completing the bachelor's programme is to fulfill the compulsory course "English" at the level of at least B1 or higher, see rector's directive no. 12/2019. Students that will not register term of exercise successfully will have their English language course registration canceled. Please consider in particular, the following information: First-year students ha
2.1-7.2.2025 The overview of examinations from selected courses after WINTER semester
For easier checking of collisions (the non-overlaping exam times during one day are not considered collisions) for the exams after the WINTER semester, the following exam dates and times are available for the courses, that are mandatory on any field/specialization or are mandatory or mandatory elective on multiple specializations: 1BIT, 2BIT, 3BIT, 1MIT, 2MIT, 1EIT, 2EIT a INTE. To see the overall
16.9-13.12.2024 Lecture groups BIA and BIB for winter semester of 2024/2025 academic year
The recommended (approximate) division into the lecture groups 1BIA and 1BIB is as follows: 1BIT students with surname beginning with A to N are in the 1BIA group,1BIT students with surname beginning with O to Ž are in the 1BIB group,for students in 2BIT, the groups are recommended based on the summer semester of the 2023/2024 academic year (alphabetically, the middle is approximately between L an
16.9.2024 Information on teaching in connection with the flood situation
The Faculty of Information Technology at Brno University of Technology will start the academic year as originally planned, i.e. on Monday 16 September 2024. The faculty campus is located outside the areas of Brno that are currently affected by the flood. Classes will be held in full from the first day of the semester.However, due to the extraordinary flood situation in the Czech Republic, absences
12.9-30.11.2024 1BIT: Placement test of knowledge/skills in English
The condition for completing the bachelor's study programme is to fulfillment of the compulsory course "English" at the level of at least B1 (BAN4, BPC-PA1, GEN or ZAN4) or higher (AIT, 0AX, 0A9, BPC-PA2, BPC-PA3 or BPC-PA4). For 1BIT students, a placement test in English is prepared in the BUT IS, on the basis of which they will have the opportunity to register: immediately in the
20.8.2024 FIT researchers help find criminals and terrorists with newly developed technology: FIT resThe technology developed at FIT BUT within the TENACITy (Travel Intelligence Against Crime and Terrorism) project helps security forces in the European Union to securely transfer information about passengers travelling through international airports. It aims to connect researchers, companies and security forces across Europe to create a platform that can search for suspicious passengers bas
28.4.2024 A public professorial lecture by Associate Professor Jiří Jaroš will take place on Friday 3 May : We cordially invite you to a public professorial lecture: High Performance Computing in Personalized Ultrasound Medicine. It will take place on Friday, May 3, at 11 a.m. in lecture room E 104 and is part of the professorial proceedings.This lecture will take you on an engaging journey from humble beginnings, a simple MATLAB code snippet simulating a 1D acoustic pulse propagation through an infinit
27.3.2024 Inauguration of Associate Professor Petr Hanáček as Dean of FIT BUT
The inauguration of Associate Professor Petr Hanáček to the position of Dean of the Faculty of Information Technology BUT will take place on 4 April 2024 at 9:00 in lecture hall D105.
26.3.2024 Trucks and buses will be equipped with nanoradars and sensors to increase safety. FIT BUT participates in their development: Truck drivers have a poor view of their immediate surroundings - blind spots cover not only the area in front of and behind the truck, but also the sides. So from July 2024, European Commission regulations require trucks and buses to have safety sensors that can detect motorcyclists, cyclists or other vulnerable road users. This will be ensured by innovative laser sensors and nano-radars, on which
28.2.2024 Kamil Malinka and Anton Firc from FIT BUT demonstrated the sophistication of deepfakes at a meeting of cybercrime specialists: How to most effectively detect and combat new phenomena in cybercrime was the main topic of a two-day meeting of specialists in this area of crime from the ranks of prosecutors and police officers organized by the Supreme State Prosecutor's Office in cooperation with the Judicial Academy in Kroměříž. Specialist criminologists and prosecutors from all over the Czech Republic meet regularly eve
Instagram @fit.vut
Viac o bode
Viac info:
aktualizovať mapu,
uprav v JOSM (pokročilé),
stiahni GPX,
wikidata, univerzita, website: http://www.fit.vutbr.cz/, old name: Kartuziánský klášter;Kadetní škola, wikipedia: cs:Fakulta informačních technologií Vysokého učení technického v Brně, check date: 2024 03 08, wheelchair: yes, lon: 16.59695417744048, lat: 49.22682138248262, og type: place, og locality: Královo Pole,
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