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wikidata, ele2: 142.10217, image: St. Martin 01.jpg, miesto pre bohoslužby, atrakcia, website:, alt name: Dóm svätého Martina, building: yes;cathedral, heritage: yes, kostol, ref:pusr: 101 198/1, religion: christian, addr:city: Bratislava, wikipedia: sk:Katedrála svätého Martina (Bratislava), check date: 2022 09 08, addr:street: Rudnayovo námestie, addr:suburb: Staré Mesto, addr:country: SK, denomination: roman catholic, addr:postcode: 811 01, opening hours: Mo Sa 09:00 11:30, 13:00 18:00; Su 13:45 16:30, description:en: Cathedral church of Bratislava and one the largest and oldest. Dates from 1452., 1, 1, pusr, lon: 17.104983410999413, lat: 48.14199486203138, og type: place, og locality: Historické jadro,