Kaderníctvo holičstvo gélové nechty ¤,
Sintra ¤,
Kado pracovné odevy ¤,
101 Drogerie ¤,
Mediapress ¤,
Kvetiny Iriska ¤,
Second hand Ťava ¤,
Visage ¤,
Čalúnnictvo Vladimir Šimšaj ¤,
Neobaluy ¤,
Parkety ¤,
Mäso údeniny ¤,
Kvetinárstvo Tinka ¤,
Pedikúra Royal ¤
parkovisko ¤,
parkovisko ¤,
parkovisko ¤,
parkovisko ¤,
parkovisko ¤,
parkovisko ¤,
parkovisko ¤,
parkovisko ¤,
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parkovisko ¤,
parkovisko ¤,
parkovisko ¤,
parkovisko ¤,
parkovisko ¤,
parkovisko ¤,
parkovisko ¤,
Autodiely ¤,
parkovisko ¤,
parkovisko ¤,
parkovisko ¤,
parkovisko ¤,
parkovisko ¤,
parkovisko ¤,
parkovisko ¤,
parkovisko ¤
Zastávky v okolí
Zimná ¤,
Cirkevná škola ¤,
Cirkevná škola ¤,
Uherova ¤,
Uherova ¤,
Rožňavská cesta, OC ¤,
Rožňavská cesta, OC ¤,
Šoltésovej ¤,
Moyzesova, OC ¤,
Moyzesova, OC ¤,
Bajkalská ¤,
Rastislavova ¤,
Bajkalská ¤
MHD v okolí
Bus 3: Uherova = > Šoltésovej = > Sobotské námestie = > Veľká, cintorín = > Štúrova ¤,
Bus 8: Uherova = > Nemocnica = > Autobusová stanica ¤,
Bus 1: Uherova = > Autobusová stanica ¤,
Bus 6: Tesco, hypermarket = > Cirkevná škola ¤,
Bus 6: Uherova = > Tesco, hypermarket ¤,
Bus 6: Veľká, cintorín = > Cirkevná škola ¤,
Bus 8: Autobusová stanica = > Tatranské námestie = > Uherova = > Autobusová stanica ¤,
Bus 4: Uherova = > Priemyselná = > Lidická ¤,
Bus 1: Autobusová stanica = > Uherova = > Autobusová stanica ¤,
Bus 6: Štúrova = > Cirkevná škola ¤,
Bus 4: Uherova = > Dom kultúry = > Priemyselná = > Allendeho ¤
www.tatra-gym.sk: Najväčšie a najlepšie fitness centrum | Tatra Gym Poprad Vitajte v Tatra Gym, najväčšom a najlepšie vybavenom fitness centre v srdci Popradu.. Ponúkame moderné priestory s rozlohou viac než 600 m²...
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Fuel Your Fitness Journey: Nutrition Tips and Advice for Gym Goers
Our gym team members are not only passionate about fitness but also about fostering a sense of community within our gym. They create a warm and inclusive environment where members feel welcomed, supported, and connected. They organize group activities, challenges, and events that bring our members together, encouraging camaraderie, friendly competition, and mutual support. We […]
Mastering the Machines: A Beginner’s Guide to Gym Equipment
Our gym team members are not only passionate about fitness but also about fostering a sense of community within our gym. They create a warm and inclusive environment where members feel welcomed, supported, and connected. They organize group activities, challenges, and events that bring our members together, encouraging camaraderie, friendly competition, and mutual support. We […]
Unleash Your Inner Athlete: Uncover Your True Potential at Fitmas
Our gym team members are not only passionate about fitness but also about fostering a sense of community within our gym. They create a warm and inclusive environment where members feel welcomed, supported, and connected. They organize group activities, challenges, and events that bring our members together, encouraging camaraderie, friendly competition, and mutual support. We […]
Breaking the Sweat Barrier: Embrace the Challenge of Fitness at Fitmas
Our gym team members are not only passionate about fitness but also about fostering a sense of community within our gym. They create a warm and inclusive environment where members feel welcomed, supported, and connected. They organize group activities, challenges, and events that bring our members together, encouraging camaraderie, friendly competition, and mutual support. We […]
Mastering the Gym: Essential Strategies for Maximizing Your Workouts
Our gym team members are not only passionate about fitness but also about fostering a sense of community within our gym. They create a warm and inclusive environment where members feel welcomed, supported, and connected. They organize group activities, challenges, and events that bring our members together, encouraging camaraderie, friendly competition, and mutual support. We […]
your health and fitness objectives with the guidance of our trainers
Our gym team members are not only passionate about fitness but also about fostering a sense of community within our gym. They create a warm and inclusive environment where members feel welcomed, supported, and connected. They organize group activities, challenges, and events that bring our members together, encouraging camaraderie, friendly competition, and mutual support. We […]
Our trainers are available to provide advice on how to achieve your goals.
Our gym team members are not only passionate about fitness but also about fostering a sense of community within our gym. They create a warm and inclusive environment where members feel welcomed, supported, and connected. They organize group activities, challenges, and events that bring our members together, encouraging camaraderie, friendly competition, and mutual support. We […]
We offer childcare services to give you peace of mind while you work
Our gym team members are not only passionate about fitness but also about fostering a sense of community within our gym. They create a warm and inclusive environment where members feel welcomed, supported, and connected. They organize group activities, challenges, and events that bring our members together, encouraging camaraderie, friendly competition, and mutual support. We […]
Viac o bode
Viac info:
aktualizovať mapu,
uprav v JOSM (pokročilé),
stiahni GPX, ele2: 690.83344, leisure: fitness centre, website: http://www.tatra gym.sk, lon: 20.2859382, lat: 49.0474166, og type: place, og locality: Poprad,
Zdroj dát
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