Cesta: OMA » Slovenská akadémia vied

Slovenská akadémia vied

Slovenská akadémia vied: kancelária, webstránka,
Akademická 2, 949 01 Nitra, Chrenová
Západné Slovensko » Nitriansky kraj » okres Nitra » Nitra » Chrenová


SOC Trade ¤, Dráčik ¤, Alltoys ¤, EXIsport ¤, Senisa záhradné centrum ¤, Sportisimo ¤, Martinus ¤, 4F ¤, Baťa ¤, JYSK ¤, Tescoma ¤, Pepco ¤, Camp David ¤, Cropp ¤


Internát SPU ¤, internát ¤, Hotel Agroinštitút ¤, Školský domov A. Bernoláka SPU v Nitre ¤, internát ¤


Music a Cafe ¤, Siestička ¤, Panda ¤


prístrešok, altánok ¤


detské ihrisko ¤, detské ihrisko ¤, detské ihrisko ¤

Voľný čas

Admiral ¤, Botanická záhrada ¤, Niké ¤


Poštová banka ¤, Všeobecná úverová banka ¤, Tatra banka ¤, Slovenská sporiteľňa ¤, ČSOB ¤, Slovenská sporiteľňa ¤, toaleta ¤, Nitra 10 ¤


parkovisko ¤, parkovisko ¤, Parkovisko-Agrokomplex ¤, parkovisko ¤, parkovisko ¤, parkovisko ¤, parkovisko ¤, parkovisko ¤, parkovisko ¤


Fakulta biotechnológie a potravinárstva SPU ¤


fontána ¤


Admiral ¤, Poštová banka ¤, Tatra banka ¤, Slovenská sporiteľňa ¤, ČSOB ¤, Slovenská sporiteľňa ¤, Nitra 10 ¤, Tescoma ¤

Zastávky v okolí

Výstavisko ¤, Výstavisko ¤, Andreja Hlinku, Centro ¤, Andreja Hlinku, Centro ¤, Andreja Hlinku, Centro ¤, Andreja Hlinku, Centro ¤, Brána ¤, Univerzity ¤, Univerzity ¤, Poliklinika Chrenová ¤

MHD v okolí

Bus 32: Viničky = > Gorazdova ¤, Bus 15: SEC = > Gorazdova ¤, Bus 16: Gorazdova = > Priemyselný park I ¤, Bus 8: Cintorín Mlynárce = > Gorazdova ¤, Bus 32: Gorazdova = > Viničky ¤, Bus 8: Gorazdova = > Cintorín Mlynárce ¤, Bus 14: Gorazdova = > Nitrianske strojárne ¤, Bus 30: Považská = > Poliklinika Chrenová = > Gorazdova ¤, Bus 8: Lužianky, Vinárska = > Gorazdova ¤, Bus 19: Janíkovce = > Železničná stanica Nitra ¤, Bus 19: Železničná stanica Nitra = > Janíkovce ¤

Zo stránky

logo archeol.sav.sk: Archeologický ústav SAV – Archeologický výskum, archeológia na Slovensku

100th anniversary of Bohuslav Klíma’s birth

We invite you to the scientific conference in honour of Bohuslav Klíma, his work, and his legacy will be organized. The conference will be held in the Institute of Archaeology, Czech Academy of Sciences, Brno (Čechyňská 363/19) during March 26–28th.         If you want to contribute to this meeting, please send us... Read more viac

PhD studies (2024)

PhD studies topics starting in 2024, the exact date of the admission procedure will be specified. It will probably take place in June 2024. Faculty of Arts, Constantine the Philosopher University in Nitra,  3 years Historical sciences, study programme: Archaeology For further information, you can contact us at: nrausekr@savba.sk or here: https://ff.ukf.sk/studium/doktora ndske-studium/   1. FF viac

The 23rd International Celtic Conference will take place

From May 14th to 17th, 2024, the 23rd International Celtic Conference “Kelti/Die Kelten/The Celts 2024” will take place. The meeting is dedicated to the La Tène period in Central Europe. Location of the conference: Žilina, Municipal Town Hall. Conference dates: May 14th to May 17th, 2024. Conference program is available for download here.   The... Read more viac

We express our sincere condolences

We are deeply affected by the terrible tragedy in Prague. We express our sincere condolences to the parents, relatives, teachers and students of Charles University. staff of the Institute of Archaeology of the SAS   viac

Dominika Oravkinová received the ‘Danubius Young Scientist Awards’

‘At the ‘Danubius Awards 2023,’ several researchers from regions traversed by the Danube River were honoured for their academic achievements. On October 19, researchers who significantly contributed to the development of the Danube region were recognized. Our colleague, Mgr. Dominika Oravkinová, PhD., received the ‘Danubius Young Scientist Award.’ The ‘Danubius viac

PhD studies 2023 – additional admission procedure

PhD studies topics starting in 2023.  For further information, you can find it here: https://www.ff.ukf.sk/23-studium/ doktorandske-studium Faculty of Arts, Constantine the Philosopher University in Nitra,  3 years Historical sciences, study programme: Archaeology 1st topic: Settlement structure of Lower Hron river and Ipeľ river valleys from the Neolithic till the Hallstatt Period in light of huma viac

PhD studies (2023)

PhD studies topics starting in 2023, the exact date of the admission procedure will be specified. It will probably take place in June 2023. For further information, you can contact us at: nrausekr@savba.sk or here: euraxess.ec.europa.eu/jobs/102557 Faculty of Philosophy and Art, Trnava University – 3 years Topic: Roman coins among the Central Danube Germans Supervisor:... Read more viac

41st international conference Questions of the Neolithic and Eneolithic of our countries

On September 27–29 2022 the 41st international conference Questions of the Neolithic and Eneolithic of our countries will take place in Palárikovo.   Programme for download here   V dňoch 27.–29. septembra 2022 sa v Poľovníckom kaštieli Palárikovo uskutoční 41. medzinárodná konferencia Otázky neolitu a eneolitu našich krajín. Program na stiahnutie tu viac

A unique archaeological site from the Neolithic excavated by our archaeologists at Vráble

The international research team of archaeologists composed of the experts from the Institute of Archaeology (SAS) and the Christian Albrecht’s Universität zu Kiel has researched one of the biggest Central-European settlement agglomerations dated to the Neolithic. The team has been excavating the site for 7 seasons. The settlement existed between 5250–4950 B. C. The three... Read more viac

The Slovak Academy of Sciences Awards for 2021

On 30th of June 2022, a ceremony was held at the SAS Congress Centre in Smolenice, where the Slovak Academy of Sciences awards for outstanding achievements in scientific research, international scientific and technical cooperation and popularisation of science were presented. The Slovak Academy of Sciences award for popularization of science and social applications of science... Read more viac

Ulice v okolí

Botanická ¤, Akademická ¤, Výstavná ¤

V kategóriách

kancelária v Chrenová 27x, kancelária v Nitra 83x, kancelária v okres Nitra 106x, kancelária v Nitriansky kraj 368x, kancelária v Trnavská pahorkatina 568x, kancelária v Západné Slovensko 1165x

Viac o bode

Viac info: aktualizovať mapu, uprav v JOSM (pokročilé), 1667492910,
Súradnice: 48°18'23"N, 18°5'55"E
stiahni GPX, wikidata, ele2: 137.25032, office: research, website: http://pribina.savba.sk/, lon: 18.0986714, lat: 48.3066199, og type: place, og locality: Chrenová,
Slovenská akadémia vied

Viac o nás

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Mapové údaje pochádzajú z www.OpenStreetMap.org, databáza je prístupná pod licenciou ODbL. OMA logoMapový podklad vytvára a aktualizuje Freemap Slovakia (www.freemap.sk), šíriteľný pod licenciou CC-BY-SA. Fotky sme čerpali z galérie portálu freemap.sk, autori fotiek sú uvedení pri jednotlivých fotkách a sú šíriteľné pod licenciou CC a z wikipédie. Výškový profil trás čerpáme z SRTM. Niečo vám chýba? Pridajte to. Sme radi, že tvoríte slobodnú wiki mapu sveta.